Laura and I returned to the Washoe Club on a brand new ghost hunt and we want to share our experience with our visitors.

We worked as paranormal investigators for a TV news special.

We are going through the video and audio from this trip and hope to have more interesting stories and images on here soon.

There's more to come so check back soon.
August 2008!
Wilson has been tending bars since he was 18.
He's one of the keepers of the ghost stories and history here in the Washoe Club.

Spirits sometimes appear on video and in photographs.
Wilson showed us this photograph taken by someone else in the mirror. They used mirror image (flipped).  Close-up below.
Laura takes a picture up the staircase.  Notice the mirror.  This is the same mirror the apparition was captured in the photo to the right.  Below see image flipped correctly as it should be.
There's a fun ghost story in the Ember Reign novel series.